Happy Birthday Cabernet Franc

The Fourth of December is International Cabernet Franc Day (or CabFranc Day) – the holiday day for our foundation and signature grape variety. This is Cabernet Franc’s opportunity to take the spotlight as one of the world’s great (and very unique)  grape varietals. The wine world owes a lot to Cabernet Franc. If you are […]

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Paradise Rescued – the Merlot Q&A

  Following last week’s announcement of the launch of the Paradise Rescued BlockTwo Merlot Cab Franc brand, we have followed up with an interview with our Founder Director David Stannard to bring us up to speed with the major changes and developments for the niche winery brand. Q: David, thank you once again for taking […]

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Paradise Rescued Bordeaux Winery doors open

  It’s a little hard to take in after such a long time, but finally it’s “doors open” for Paradise Rescued winery in Cardan Bordeaux! The beautiful new brand design bottles and cartons are stacked high on the pallets and our vigneronne Pascale is waiting to serve a tasting of our 2016 wines. It seems […]

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Top 7 Wine World Disrupters

Late last week, I had the pleasure of participating in a very well run and thought provoking Disruption workshop led by David Platt and Larry Quick from Resilient Futures in Melbourne. Reflecting afterwards, I quickly found myself wearing my Paradise Rescued Founder Director’s hat and compiling a short list of potential Disrupting Factors, which I […]

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